Practice Expansion
After practicing for a period of time, the decision inevitably comes for every practitioner on how to grow the practice, while maintaining the same personal and professional service to their patients. During any practice expansion, some questions to consider are:
• How do I increase the patient flow to my practice?
• How can I hire new associates, while still protecting my practice?
• Is purchasing a practice in my best interest? and
• Is it time for a larger space to incorporate the increase in patient flow?
Any decisions to grow your practice will trigger potential legal issues and it is imperative that the provider continually protect their practice as they expand their footprint in their specialty.
Some services that may be required are as follows:
• Providing employment or independent contractor agreements to potential associates
• A purchase agreement for the sale of a practice
• Entering into a new commercial lease to increase the square footage
• Preparing an employee manual/handbook for all employees to sign
• Updating patient consent forms to include any additional treatment or to ensure that they are updated with any new laws that have been enacted.
For additional information, please contact Rodin Legal.