For physicians, dentists, and all healthcare practitioners, as 2017 comes to a close, it is time to think about the goals for your practice moving forward into 2018.
- Are you looking to take on new employees?
- Are you looking to expand your practice?
- Are you looking to buy a practice?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, there are legal risks and liabilities you need to be aware of.
Office Policies
As far as employing new personnel, do your employment agreements need to be updated to reflect any changes or growth in your practice? Have you implemented an employee handbook, and if so, has it been reviewed and updated to correctly represent the roles and office policies of your practice?
Similarly, have your patient consent forms been recently reviewed and updated to accurately express the risk and benefits of treatment, as well as the current office policies? Do the consent forms provide information about all of the treatments that are rendered at your practice in order to properly inform the patients seeking your services?
All of the above will enable everyone to be on the same page so that the practice can run smoothly.
Practice Growth
If you are looking to purchase a practice, my recent article series offers useful information. Make sure you understand what this purchase entails. Are you looking to takeover the lease, along with the practice or is it just the goodwill of the practice? Does the purchase include equipment? Understanding the magnitude of the purchase will greatly increase your ability to have an easier transition into the new practice, without the potential for lost time after the closing.
New York Paid Family Leave Program
Starting January 1, 2018, the New York State Paid Family Leave Program will provide employees paid leave to: (1) bond with a new child, (2) care for a loved one with a serious health condition or (3) to help relieve family pressures when someone is called to active military service. You can find more information by visiting this website. If you have any questions, you should contact your broker before the end of the year.
To ensure your practice continues to run smoothly and efficiently, and before you make any changes, it is critical to understand the consequences, risks, and liabilities associated with any transformations of your practice. This way, you are able to make strides toward the goals you have set for yourself and your practice for 2018.
Contact me today with questions or comments.
Stephanie J. Rodin, Esq.
Rodin Legal, P.C.
Tel: (917) 345-8972
Fax: (917) 591-4428
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